Sunday, September 27, 2015

Is It Day 27 Already??

I can't believe we're already to the end of the month! This month has been crazy busy with homecoming, parent-teacher conferences, and all the other things that keep teachers busy. With that said, I'm sad that the Blogtember Challenge is coming to a close and only linked up a couple of times. I think I am going to continue to use Bailey's prompts, I've started several of them, but didn't get the time to finish and edit them. 

Now for the real reason you're here...

Day 27: My Etsy Wishlist

I dont use Etsy much, but I thought I would share one item I ran across this week and one that I purchased several weeks ago. 

First of all, let me say that I'm not usually someone who is up to date with all the newest celebrity talk and can be found obsessing over Kim Kardashian's latest feud. I couldn't care less about Hollywood drama besides the fact that I do not envy their job and at the same time I admire them for putting themselves in the limelight. 

Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorite celebrities and I think of her as one of the good celebrities. She obviously has got the 'effortlessly chic' style, but more importantly, her life off-screen modeled what we strive to live like. She cared for others and their well-being, her heart for others was apparent in how she lived her life, she respected everyone and handled situations with grace and gave second chances. That is how I want to live and as I was going through homecoming week at work and the kiddos were feeling the excitement of it all, I wanted something to remind me (and them) about how we treat one another. 

Insert this quote from Audrey. 

It reminded me to stay optimistic about my students and even though they make some choices I wish they wouldn't, the way I react reflects my heart. I can choose to lovingly correct them without drawing negative attention to them. It also encouraged me to press on even when I don't feel like I can. I am never alone. Even on the days I write four office referrals and take cell phones from kids. It breaks my heart to do it, but in those moments of feeling like the bad guy, I am not alone. There are other teachers battling the same things and more importantly, my Heavenly Father is always with me. His spirit lives inside me and I can either live by that spirit or choose to discipline my students the way I want. But no matter which one I choose, I am not alone in my classroom and His grace covers my sins. Thank you Jesus!

You can find the wall decal here on Etsy.

The final item on my Etsy list is the Wholeheartedly Devo by Natalie Metrejean.

I bought it this summer and have been slowly but surely working through it. I will be completely honest and say I was nervous about buying it and even more nervous about sharing with the world the fact that I'm using it. But it is so much more than the typical 'do this and that' as you wait or before you settle down with someone. It shares wisdom for you while you wait and the faith this requires. 

If you're single and struggling and need some encouragement, this devo is for you. Check it out here! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Days 7 & 8 of Blogtember Challenge

Yesterday's challenge was to share about how your blog got its name. Earlier this year I wrote a post about that very thing so click here for the link to that post.

Here's a little glimpse...

Now on to today's prompt! Today is the day we share about our favorite season.

If we are talking about literal, calendar seasons, I would say anything but summer.
No, really. Arkansas summers are too hot and humid and Ohio was too rainy this summer.

I love Spring because of all the fresh flowers and watching plants sprout and grow.
It's like a whole new start to everything, but it's toward the end of the school year. 
It's the perfect time to get outdoors and regroup and reevaluate life.
I don't consider myself to be an "artsy" person, but I find spring to be inspiring.
I am OCD (self-diagnosed) however so I like to reorganize and reorder things so they can run smoother. Can you say, "spring-cleaning?"

I love Fall for similar reasons. 
The heat and business of summer is starting to dissolve and an excitement for the holidays begins to grow. The summer vacations are over and the afternoons open up for snuggling under a blanket with a book. Orange, red and brown decorations begin to fill out porches. Campfires with friends begin to make their way into our schedules. 
I just love it!

Winter: It's a love/hate relationship. It depends on where I'm living. If I'm spending fall, winter, and spring in Ohio, it's not such a cordial relationship. But if I'm in Arkansas, I love it.
I mean love in the sense that I enjoy spending time cleaning off my car,
playing in the snow, and even driving in the snow.
What is even better is going to OH for the winter weather.
The south tends to get rain or ice (no fun!), 
whereas the north gets drier snow and you can still live amongst it.
I especially like all the blue hues and pops of color seem more rare, making it more special.
And of course, it wouldn't be winter without family time and hot drinks.

What is your favorite season and why? Be sure to link-up with Bailey over at and use #blogtemberchallenge on Instagram. 
Tag me (staceydicken) if you heard about the challenge here!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Blogtember Challenge Day 6

Today's challenge is to share about your style. After trying to pinpoint what my style is, I decided I would share a few of my all-time favorites from Pinterest. 

This is a typical kind of outfit for me. Some sort of pants with a nicer shirt, and a tote bag.

The epitamy of how I think I dress. I literally stare at this picture in awe of how simple, yet feminine it is. Again, pants with a nicer shirt and, of course, a scarf to dress it up and girly earrings & jewelry. 

Ps. I just unpacked my fall/winter clothes and now I'm eagerly awaiting cardigans, scarves, and boots! This northerner is wishing she lived in a colder climate and not looking forward to the "warm hall" I work on. Yep, even in the winter months, warm. Rumor has it, the kids wear shorts and t-shirts. But anyways...

This one can be masculine looking, but with the right accessories it can look cozy and feminine. Hello pearls and gold jewelry! 

Now for the big kahunah...

Umm...HELLO GORGEOUS! Can you say "sexy boots"? I don't know what you wear with these, but I've been eyeing these for literally years now. The design is perfect. Soft lace paired with just the right amount of leather- all the heart emojis!

Last but not least, this sweater...

...remember when I said I'm ready for Fall/winter?? Uh huh :) 
Random fact about me: If there is an article of clothing that looks like it belongs in a log cabin, seated next to a fireplace- especially if it has a moose on it- I must own it! 

My style seems to always be changing, but I love clothing that looks preppy, yet natural. Natural in the sense that it is composed of earth tones or comfort colors and has a hint of femininity. I'm not the kind of girl that likes to make a statement when she walks in the door. I don't like all eyes on me. Just a little, "she looks nice" will do.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Blogtember Challenge Day 2

I am SSOO excited about the Blogtember Challenge!! In the midst of all the crazy business of moving to a new place and starting a new job, I feel so blessed by this challenge. I'm not going to lie, it almost slipped my mind this morning, but I'm so glad I remembered because this kind of dreaming is exactly what my heart needed. 

Today's prompt is to write about the perfect day. Where would you go? What would you do? Who would you do it with? My idea of a good day would take more than one day, but Bailey told us we could spin these posts however we wanted so here it goes...

I didn't see any water this summer, besides all the rain, so I would go to the beach ;) I would visit some tropical resort (Hello Hawaii! 🌺) with my college friends. We have been apart for over a year now and I think it's time for a reunion.

In the morning the girls would get up early to watch the sun rise over the ocean and take walks on the beach. Then we would head back to the house, yes a beach house, and cook up some yummy breakfast for the guys. Let's be honest, we would have to break out our hammocks and recreate this picture...

Later we would bask in the sun, play in the clear blue waves, and play beach volleyball. We played every weekend in college and my heart misses it so much! There would be late night board games under the twinkle lights of an outside restaurant, filled with conversations we haven't had in what feels like forever. 

It would be a jam-packed day, but it would absolutely be worth it if it meant I got the chance to spend some time with some of the people I love the most. 

What would you do on your perfect day? Who would you be with? Leave a comment below or link up with us through Bailey's blog! I'd love to hear your ideas! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Blogtember Challenge...Day 1

This month I will be linking up with Bailey over at Brave Love blog with the Blogtember Challenge. I'm SSOO excited about this!! I've always wanted to participate in one of these but it never seemed like there was much notice or I was in the throws of the start of a new semester. If you don't know what it is, basically bloggers will write a post, every day for a month, based on Bailey's prompts and it's just a good way to meet some new people & get to know others a little better.

If you have a blog, please join in! You don't have to know me, Bailey, or anyone for that matter! And if you miss a day (or five) that's okay. Remember the point of the challenge. We just want to get to know you a little better.

Now for the first prompt. Drum roll please....

Today's prompt is to simply introduce yourself.

I'm Stacey Dicken, also known as Ms. Dicken or Ms. D, in my classroom. I'm in my third week of teaching math to the most amazing students in southern Arkansas. My coworkers are basically the best people around (I look forward to our team meetings everyday if that tells you anything.) 

I have grown up all over the U.S. and consider myself half Northerner, half Southerner. I love reading, cooking, decorating, and spending time in the great outdoors.

This is my family minus my other sister, her husband, and their little girl.

Here is my other sister, who lives in Africa #blessthoserains

...and this is a more updated picture of my niece. Sorry for the blurriness, but her cuteness makes up for it.

And, last but not least, these are my college roommates. They are the most supportive, hilarious, and God-fearing women I've met. I am beyond blesses to have them in my life!


I'm so excited to work through this challenge with you all! Day 1: complete.
Will you join us? If you are, please make sure you link up with us through Bailey (here is the link to the original post.)