Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

Things have been so busy lately, I kinda forgot about this lil space. Sorry about that. With graduation, family visits, and finding a summer job, I've been dropping into bed every night for the last month. But I guess this is my new normal. Hello Teacher World ;) More on that later, but for now, here are a few things I have been enjoying lately.

1.  Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequest 

My sister and I were talking about books that talk about hospitality and Bread and Wine and The Nesting Place were the ones we got caught on. I didn't know she was borrowing Bread and Wine from someone so I was pleased to borrow it while she has been with us :) I knew I wouldn't get through the whole thing so I jumped to the most exciting looking chapters and I love it! Granted I can't have bread...or wine for that matter BUT the best part is that Shauna's husband is gluten intolerant too so she gives alternative recipes! Hear that?? That's angels singing the Hallelujah chorus.

Some of the stories overlap with those from her other books. But other than that, I've been really pleased with it.

The parts about community really struck home with me because this year will be really different for me. I'll probably have a place to myself and I can have friends over whenever I want and I need to work on my hospitality skills. I'm a lot better than I have been in the past but still have room to grow.

2. Bible Journaling

I am not an artsy person, but this craze that's going around right now is kinda catching on. If you don;t know what it is, you can just google it and hundreds of examples will pop up. If you want to see the ones that have been encouraging me to give it a try is my friend, Bailey, over at Brave Love blog. She's a theater grad student, so she knows what she's doing ;)

This is a video of how to take your colored pencils to the next level and create depth. I love it! I would never have thought to do this.

I haven't tried it yet, but when I do, I'll let you know. Maybe not depending on how it comes out.

3. Erin Condren Planners

I have had my eye on this planner for years in anticipation of actually being able to use it as an official teacher! I'm kinda nervous to invest in something that is so expensive, but I've been researching it for the last week and I think I'm going to dive in and try one. I have three I'm interested in. Tell me which one you prefer?

I might just give a little prize to one lucky voter...So tell me what you think! :)

There are so many things running through my mind that I can't even keep up with them enough to get them typed out, but these are some of my favorite things this week. What are YOU enjoying right now? I would love to hear from you!