Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Blogtember Challenge...Day 1

This month I will be linking up with Bailey over at Brave Love blog with the Blogtember Challenge. I'm SSOO excited about this!! I've always wanted to participate in one of these but it never seemed like there was much notice or I was in the throws of the start of a new semester. If you don't know what it is, basically bloggers will write a post, every day for a month, based on Bailey's prompts and it's just a good way to meet some new people & get to know others a little better.

If you have a blog, please join in! You don't have to know me, Bailey, or anyone for that matter! And if you miss a day (or five) that's okay. Remember the point of the challenge. We just want to get to know you a little better.

Now for the first prompt. Drum roll please....

Today's prompt is to simply introduce yourself.

I'm Stacey Dicken, also known as Ms. Dicken or Ms. D, in my classroom. I'm in my third week of teaching math to the most amazing students in southern Arkansas. My coworkers are basically the best people around (I look forward to our team meetings everyday if that tells you anything.) 

I have grown up all over the U.S. and consider myself half Northerner, half Southerner. I love reading, cooking, decorating, and spending time in the great outdoors.

This is my family minus my other sister, her husband, and their little girl.

Here is my other sister, who lives in Africa #blessthoserains

...and this is a more updated picture of my niece. Sorry for the blurriness, but her cuteness makes up for it.

And, last but not least, these are my college roommates. They are the most supportive, hilarious, and God-fearing women I've met. I am beyond blesses to have them in my life!


I'm so excited to work through this challenge with you all! Day 1: complete.
Will you join us? If you are, please make sure you link up with us through Bailey (here is the link to the original post.)


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