Thursday, June 5, 2014

Welcome to Faith Not Fear!

So I'm really nervous about creating my own blog... For one, I don't know where this is going to go. Like am I going to post regularly? I don't know. Am I going to continue blogging when classes start in the fall? I don't know. Am I going to get any followers other than family and close friends? I don't know. Two, you know all those times your parents warned you about scary, old men online? Ya, I'm pretty sure they exist. Three, I'm a math kinda person. Not English... so if you're a grammar junkie and want to inform me of all my mistakes, feel free to keep your comments to yourself or create your own blog  (I mean this in the nicest way possible :) )

But what I DO know is I've been thinking and praying about developing a blog for about a year. I never really considered it until a few months ago. Then, my dad told me the local libraries were offering free (yes FREE!) online classes. Me, having just finished a semester of classes thought, "Ya right like I'm going anywhere near another class." But the teacher in me just couldn't pass up a chance to learn about something new and I caved and scoped out the classes. After a long, deliberating process, I decided to jump on board and enroll myself in the "blogging class"...hence the name, with more on that to come.

So here I am, sitting at the kitchen table at my parent's house, listening to the neighbor plow our field, and counting down the minutes until I have to go to work. Signs of a college student? Yes! (...maybe not the neighbor plowing thing, but anywho...)

If you've made it through this post CONGRATS! I feel like I'm blabbering and deterring all my wonderful readers away. But stick around! I've got some tricks up my sleeves I'm hoping to put into action in the near future. All that to say...

Let me introduce myself! I'm Stacey, the girl behind Faith Not Fear. I'm a senior at Harding University desperately trying to pass my math courses, get my diploma, and teach some kiddos (Lord willing.) I'm a first-time Aunt to the cutest lil boy, one of three daughters, and a sister-in-law to two of the craziest brothers-in-law ;) Just kidding! They're pretty fabulous. And I'm a "fur-mama" to Bella. Without disclosing anymore about myself with one click of a button, there you have it. I'll be back soon with a more put together post :)

[A beach picture with everyone except the baby. Me on far right. We're just a typical family, right? ;) ]