Sunday, November 30, 2014

December 2 0 1 4

If you haven't checked out my previous post, Modest is Hottest, I would like to encourage you to. The links included in that post are a significant part of it as well. So take the time to sit and read all of them. If you've grown up in the church and think you know what it's going to be about. Don't judge it by the title. It's not what you think it is. That's all I'm going to say about that. Now, moving on...

For the year of 2014, I created monthly goals that were split up by subject area ie. books, organization, etc. If you know me, this won't surprise you because I'm one of those people who lives off her planner, loves lists, and all that type-a stuff ;) At the end of each month I write a little evaluation and reflection on the month. Also, if I'm making any changes to the month I write them down so I have them in ink to keep me accountable.
    Side note: I'm in the middle of creating my 2015 goals so I'll share those with you as soon as I finish them. Then you'll have a better idea of what I'm talking about. But for now, this is what I've got :)

As I was working on my November reflection today, I figured I'd come back to this little space and share with you. The month of November was supposed to be focused on idols and reading leisure books. My church read a book last summer about idols (anything that takes your attention from God) and it sparked my interest so I thought I would go back, reread the book and God would expose some revelation of an idol I'm guilty of worshiping. 

Well, that didn't happen. In fact, Im ashamed to say I didn't even crack the book (or any others). To be honest, I didn't do a single thing on the list for this month. That's not to say I wasn't reading in my bible or having quiet time. It just didn't look the way I planned. But so goes life and now I'm focusing my attention on December. 

Instead of solely focusing on the planned 2014 goals, which are to plan for the future (start looking for a job, decide on place to live after graduation, etc.) I'm going to add January, February, July, and August. I don't want to forget about the December goal (I don't think I could) but I think I need to focus on these four months again. 

January (school) study everyday for each subject; minimum of 2 hours of hw/studying & organizing everyday; no hw Sundays; have all hw done before bed
February (friendships) be more intentional; go out of my comfort zone; write letters; be goofy; make memories 
July (skills) work on computer, learning, and teaching skills 
August (workout) yoga once a week; exercise at least one other time each week; try something new

To sum it all up, I'm praying for wisdom and discernment over my relationships and future (read: staying tuned into God and His Word) for the next two weeks, as well a staying up on schoolwork and fitness. 

I'll be back at the end of December, maybe before then, to let you know how I did. 

Another side note: My computer is currently down so I'm typing this on my phone, hence the not-so-great formatting. I'll fix that when I get to the library this week :)