Monday, July 14, 2014

Guess Who's Coming to Town??

Ya'll, I'm SO excited!! Like giddy schoolgirl excited! Wanna know why?

Because these guys are stylish and super cheap...

Just kidding! That IS a great price and I'll keep them in mind as a new apartment awaits me. But the real news is... *drum roll please* .....

My sister, brother-in-law, and this lil guy are coming to visit!!

It's not a clear picture but I think it does the trick ;)  Isn't he cute?! I'm a little bit prejudiced, but just look at that smile. He was very proud of himself catching that ball. He might've had some help from Aunt Stacey, but the important thing is the family that hooped and hollered as he "caught" it. He's one loved little boy! 

Aunt 'Cici' has never left him this long before and it's killing her! (me) Nine weeks is a LONG time in a 19 month-old's lifetime. 

Anyways, that's all this post was about. Just a quickie so you know where I'll be for the next week... aka not blogging ;)

Here are a few more pictures just because I'm so excited and I want to share the joy of nephews with the world :D

This one is my all-time favorites! I'm a sucker for babies and bears :)

All bundled up and ready to take on one of the coldest winters ever.

Mom had a near heart attack because she couldn't find him... Do you see him?

...There he is! No worries! Daddy came home from adventure day and went straight to the shower. Lil Nephew loves his daddy and just HAD TO see him again ;)

It's amazing how one baby can love so many people in its one little, baby life. He's captured all of our love and attention... even Uncle Sean ;)

Friday, July 11, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

In the spirit of creating my blog, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post telling you a little bit about me. Most of you will already know me and know all the little things I like, but for those that don't here ya go...

1. Weddings

Duh, I'm a twenty-something girl and my college roommate just got married a few weeks ago! ;)  I can't believe I'm old enough to have friends who are getting married already. But I couldn't be happier for them and the great couple they are. Their best man said it perfectly when he said, "You're a couple that not only knows how to live out your faith, but you do it day in and day out" (something along those lines.) I couldn't have been more blessed than to be surrounded by and loved on by these people for the last two years. So thankful!

P.s. Two of our other friends got married this summer and from the looks of it it was gorgeous! Congratulations! (you know who you are ;) )

2. FIFA App

I've recently gotten back into soccer despite a nine year hiatus. Yes, you read that right. Nine years. It might've had something to do with my sisters playing ever since I can remember and being a ball-girl for a good chunk of those years ;) Anyways, one of my friends invited me to go to a soccer game last fall and I uncovered my soccer roots and I've been thoroughly enjoying watching the World Cup this year. Whoever designed the FIFA app is a genius. It's perfectly organized and easy-to-use. It's so easy, I can check scores, points, and line-ups in a matter of seconds. Love it! Here's a glimpse:

3.  Chronological Bible Reading

I got the idea from Nicole a year ago when she started the plan but I didn't really consider it because at college I always have some sort of devotional or Bible reading. But being home for the summer, I knew I was going to need some devotionals and after completing a few others, I decided to go ahead and start this one a couple weeks ago. Obviously it's a plan that has Scripture laid out in chronological order so by the end of the year you've read the whole Bible in order. I don't know about you, but I  1) don't know as much about the Bible as I should, especially the Old Testament and 2) my OCD, needs-things-laid-out-perfectly-in-front-of-me self will greatly benefit from the timeline order you experience with this one. Here's the link to Nicole's post about it. While you're there, take a look around her blog! Hope you enjoy and learn from it as much as I have :) And maybe try the plan for yourself.

4. A Christmas Kiss

Yes, I'm disclosing my guilty pleasure: Christmas movies... even in July :) I ran across it last summer and I watch it every few months. It's the perfect feel-good kinda movie. It tells the story of a young woman trying to make it in the big world while balancing a social life. It's not too cheesy. Not too New Age Christmas-y, you know, the ones that don't even mention the real reason of Christmas...  It's just what the doctor ordered. And if you know me, you know I love the fact that she's a designer :)

P.s. I've been going through an avoid-chick-flicks,they're-from-the-devil phase. But not this one. Maybe it's the fact that the main character tries to respect her boss and doesn't make classic love-struck girl mistakes, but I just love it!

5.  The Nesting Place

I heard so many good things about this book and I just HAD TO get it! I got it for real cheap online so it wasn't a budget-breaker ;) If you haven't read it yet, you should. It's called "The Nesting Place" by Myquillyn Smith. She's a blogger here, a mother of three boys, and her message is your home doesn't have to look like something from Pinterest to be beautiful. It's the things that go on in your house and the impression they leave on you and everyone who enters that matters. It's kind of a similar message to Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts" but she adds her own twist to it. I've been sketching my new dream dorm room as I read through it and it's been interesting to see how my own personal style is evolving. Not to mention how my perspective is changing.

Well, I hope that gives you a nice lil picture of me and the things I'm enjoying. Feel free to let me know if you're enjoying any of the same things... or different things for that matter that I should look into. I'll try my best :) It took me a little bit longer than I expected to create this post (read: TOO long!) But I'm going to try to keep posting as often as I can, so stay tuned :)